Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Learn and Grow

People often ask me if I miss being the leader of the moms group at our church. There are aspects I do miss. I miss the interaction with other moms on a consistent basis. I miss feeling like I am part of a team. I miss feeling like I am doing something for God.  To be real transparent, I miss feeling important and I miss being on the inside of all the happenings at church.
But a lot of good things happened when I stepped down. I had to quickly find my identity again in Christ, not in a position or title. I got a taste of what it felt like to be on the outside. I had to reach out to create new friendships.  All of the sudden, I had time to think about what other’s might need around me. I had to learn how to use my gifting’s in other capacities.
There are a lot of things I do not miss. I don’t miss lying awake at night thinking about all I had to do the next day and hoping I didn’t forget anything. I don’t miss my every waking hour being consumed with trying to get my to- do list done. I don’t miss the last minute headaches that go on behind the scenes. I don’t miss dealing with all the red tape. I don’t miss the challenge of working with so many different personalities and I don’t miss the difficulty of time demands it put on me and my family.
Though, I wouldn’t change any of it. I loved it. I learned a lot. I grew a ton. I learned about God’s grace for others and for me. I grew in my ability to handle stressful situations. My faith in the Lord grew, my dependency on Him grew. I prayed and fasted all the time. God always came through. Women were touched, moms didn’t feel alone anymore, friendship’s were formed. It was a success.
However, I did leave with regrets. I regret being too task driven instead of people driven, I regret being nice but distant, I regret being too filled up in my own life to allow enough space for anyone else in, I regret if I made anyone feel like they were on the outside looking in. Please forgive me if that is you as a reader of this blog.
When I stopped being the leader, somehow I became a normal person again. People felt like I was approachable. I get to have real conversations. I have time to ask about people’s personal lives and get to know them on a deeper level. I like that.
Hats off to the new leaders, I understand completely.  Hats off to any leaders in a ministry or non-profit organization anywhere. It is a sacrifice that has great costs.
No, I don’t miss being the Leader of Mops anymore but I know I cannot run away from the calling God has on my life. I will be in leadership again one day, in one way or another. There is no escaping it.
 And I will learn and grow all the more.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Misty, I read this when you first posted it and just read it again to my husband today. It ministered to both of us as we have recently come out of full time ministry and my husband is working a normal job. Your thoughts are exactly what we are going through. Just wanted to let you know. Sara Glaze (Lepp)
