The definition of delight is a high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; joy.
There is no one who delights in our kids like we do as parents. Ok, maybe some doting grandparents who think our kids can do wrong. Or maybe even some close aunts and uncles.
There are those moments that my husband and I will lock eyes and smile as our child says something for the first time or learns something new or does something cute or funny and our hearts burst with pride until the next moment when they are hitting each other with plastic golf clubs over the head. But we share in great delight over our kids. We study every detail of their physical body and obsess over their well- being in every aspect imaginable. We adore almost everything about them besides the temper tantrums, back talking and defiant disobedience. We love to make them smile and we are the happiest when they are enjoying any little thing. Our kid’s provide us times of pure pleasure that fill our soul up like nothing else does.
That is exactly how God feels about us and that is the way God feels about our spouse. The same way our husband’s parents feel about him. They all delight in our husband just like we delight in our kids.
Now, take let’s take that thought a step further. In the very distant future, my kids are most likely going to get married one day. And you know what I really want and pray for more than anything else? That their spouse will delight in them the way my husband and I delight in them. And treat them accordingly.
I have the opportunity to show my kids on a daily basis right now what being delighted in looks like. I can choose to delight in my husband. Everything about him. All the funny quirks, all the personality traits, all the reasons I married him in the first place. We do this well when we are dating but then life gets in the way and we get too tired to do it anymore.
I want to delight in my husband for who he is not for what he can do for me. Not for what he can give me. But just because he is a son of God and a son of a mother and father who delight in every little thing about him just like I do with my kids. He deserves that and his parent’s deserve for him to be married to someone who delights in him. Just like I want my kid’s spouses to delight in everything about them.
You know when someone delights in you. They look at you different, they smile different, they talk different, they treat you differently. Even kids can tell.
When I am looking at my husband with delight and adoration in my eyes, he looks back at me in the same way. Delight breeds delight.
“The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
Dear Lord, help me to see my husband through your eyes, eyes that dance with delight.
Hi Misty! Just read your post on the GFC blog about the little things and had to hop over here. I see that you're new to blogging. I hope you continue as it seems that God has given you a special word for wives. Thanks for sharing.