Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

Did you ever notice how it usually gets dark and gloomy on Good Friday in the afternoon and evening? Just a global reminder of who controls the weather and Whom is on His mind. The Bible says we are without excuse because the very universe speaks of the power of God. Romans 1:20.

I encourage you to stop and acknowledge what Jesus was going through today all of those years ago. He was condemned as a criminal, scourged and scorned, beaten and bleeding, ridiculed and mocked, abandoned and forsaken, denied and betrayed, metal tearing his flesh, carrying his own cross to his crucifixion, hands and feet nailed to the wood, hanging for hours naked and shamed in front of family, friends, and enemies.

When he breathed his last and gave His spirit up to His Heavenly Father, the earth shook and thunder sounded.  The darkest day our earth has seen thus far. The Son of God dead. Satan and demons revel in triumph.

Last night we searched for The Passion of The Christ but could not find it on Verizon Fios Movies or at Redbox but we finally found it on the TBN channel at 10pm to DVR. I must confess, I don’t watch it most years because it is too hard to see. Give me a freakin’ break! Too difficult to watch?! What about the fact that the Lord knew for 33 years what His final destination and purpose was leading up to that appointed day. He sweated blood the night before his death, praying “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done”. Luke 22: 42-44.

I want to allow myself to be broken and undone as I remember what Christ went through for me.

How can we rejoice in the Resurrection of Jesus without first recognizing His death and suffering? It is disturbing that our world has gotten so far away from honoring Good Friday. The Man of whom our whole timeline is based upon. 2012 AD. He died and came back to life. Who does that? No one! And yet, Good Friday is often ignored in the local newspaper, work places, schools, churches and Christian homes alike. It would be like forgetting to honor the annual anniversary of a loved one who has passed away. In fact, that is exactly what it is like except this Loved One died in the place of you and me. The Easter Bunny trumps Jesus and what did he ever do for us other than bring some candy in plastic eggs?

I urge you to do something today that you have not done before. Watch The Passion of The Christ or find a church that has an actual Good Friday service even if that is not your home church. I know all the Catholic Churches have the Stations of the Cross (the object of the Stations is to help us make a spiritual pilgrimage of prayer through meditating upon the chief scenes of Christ's sufferings and death) are open to anyone to go participate in and you can bring your children with you to experience it. Or read the account for yourself in Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23 or John 19.

Let us major on the Spiritual and minor on the bunnies this Easter.

May we take time today to consider what Good Friday means so we can truly celebrate that He is Risen on Sunday.


  1. Sooo good! We can't appreciate victory of Sunday without the understanding of the suffering He experienced. I love that.
    Same as in life, it's difficult to understand His grace and mercy without first experiencing sin and suffering.

  2. wow! thank you Misty, AGREED! and i 2nd what LeAnn wrote! Love u !! --nicole powell

  3. My heart is with you on this! Love, Mom
