Friday, April 27, 2012

How Would Jesus Age?

Ok, so my skin has majorly changed. I think it is probably the biggest tell tell way to know someone is getting older. I mean there is age spots, sun spots, loose spots, flabby spots, saggy spots, dark spots, sunken in spots, wrinkled spots, and stretch marks. This is what they mean by gravity!!! I work out and try to eat right most of the time and there is no more baby weight to lose but still, I am highly disappointed. My stomach will never be the same, my boobs look like shriveled up raisins and the back of my arms above my bra area is not ever going to be tight again. I won’t even get started on my sagging, flat butt and the wrinkles in my forehead. The most surprising to me, is all the fine lines in my lips and around my lips. What the heck???

I realize all of these things can be fixed with surgery. But seriously, that would be way too many surgeries for my taste. What’s next? I am sure they will probably start doing plastic surgery around your knee caps and elbows because that skin gets saggy too you know.

Never before have I realized how plastic the Hollywood Stars look. Literally, they look like Barbie and they move like Barbie too if you know what I mean. They must get a surgery with their lips and cheeks plastered into a permanent smile. Oh ya, I forgot about the teeth. They get those whitened too. And their eyelids are really actually pinned up. I just can’t imagine letting a knife go into my face by choice. And I wonder what we will find out about the long term effects of botulism shot up into our bloodstream continually. (Not saying that I have not contemplated trying some of these things in the future.)

What ever happened to aging with grace? Why do we worship youth? Why aren’t we more happy, satisfied and content as we grow older? Hmmmm. I do not know. Just thought I would ask. But I do have a hypothesis.

Maybe it is our whole way of life. If we were consumed with finding our next meal and having a roof over our heads, my guess is we wouldn’t be so worried about the way in which we age. We have too much. Too much time, too much money, too much Hollywood, too much food, too many clothes, too much of everything.

We have everything we need and yet we are ungrateful, sitting around complaining about our aging skin. What is wrong with us? Is it going to take a war, famine or Jesus coming back to change our ways?

Instead of pondering what the heck happened to my skin, I am going to try to use my time, energy and resources to put my faith into action and get off my flat booty and go serve someone else who needs the basic necessities of life like food, water, shelter and clothing. Maybe if I was preoccupied with the eternal instead of the external than I would not have time for all the things that really don’t matter.

That is my personal opinion in how Jesus would probably age.

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