Friday, March 30, 2012

At That Age

I am sure this happens for every woman at a different age or at least most of us women. The day where you actually need to put make up on to look and feel alive. I remember my mom talking about this when I was growing up and I had absolutely no idea what she meant.

I also remember for my 14th birthday that my mom gave me a really nice Mary Kay compact of makeup. I knew she probably meant it as a special ‘welcome to womanhood’ present. But it was lost on me. I just didn’t have a whole lot of interest. I wore the basics but that’s it. Thankfully, my mom also taught me that natural beauty is the best so to always try to make it look like you don’t have any make up on. But that confused me too, why even put it on then?

I have girlfriends that love make up and are fascinated with it and they look like perfectly painted porcelain dolls. I just would never have the patience for that. I like it nice and simple. In fact, my cleaning regime can only have 3 steps or I just can’t handle it. Quick and easy is my motto in life.

In the past year, I have started experiencing the dark puffy circles under my eyes and have very much needed to start using some special crème and under eye make-up. I also found out that they make this stuff you can apply before your make up to keep it on longer and it actually works!

When I get up and look in the mirror, it kind of scares me. Is that really me? It doesn’t look like me! I love what I heard Cindy Crawford say years ago on an interview. “I don’t wake up looking like Cindy Crawford”. Well, that’s reassuring. I have a whole new appreciation and understanding for that statement now.

It’s inevitable that the days you put on make- up to leave the house, you see no one you know. But the days you run out real fast to the grocery store or Target without a dab of make- up on, you run into people that you rarely ever see! They probably think to themselves, ‘Boy has she let herself go’! No, it just takes a little more time and effort to look good these days.

For a few women out there, they are make -up free and will remain that way their whole lives. I salute you and your liberation from it all. But for me, I mimic my mom in saying, “I just don’t feel or look alive until I put my face on”.

I guess, I am at that age.

1 comment:

  1. And then there are those of us who go without because we can't stand the itching and burning that being allergic to makeup brings. I guess I used up all my turns when I was young!
