Friday, March 23, 2012

Gone are the Days of Laying Out

Trying to get a tan has taken on a whole new meaning as a mom. I have never been so white in my whole stinkin’ life! I remember being pregnant with my first child during the summer months and I would sport my bikini with pride and lay out on the floatation devices in our pool. I was on bed rest for 3 months so I thought relaxing in the water definitely fit into those restrictions.

That’s the last time I truly laid out in the past 4 years. Wait, except for my annual trip away with my husband alone and the annual ladies church retreat at the beach, so it does happen twice a year now.

Then my 2nd child was born in the beginning of the summer so I didn’t feel like I could take a newborn out in the sun by myself while I chased an almost two year old around. Plus I was tired and summer in Florida is brutal. You are either drenched with sweat or rain, not fun especially with hauling two kids in and out of the car. Besides, you try to get everything done outside by about 10:30 am in the morning or  the humidity will suffocate you.

Also, in Florida we have these nifty screens that are built to go over your pool to keep all of the bugs, insects and other creepy crawly animals out and yes, there is always a story every year of how an alligator found his way from a neighborhood pond into one of our backyard pools or garage or front door step or just walking down the street. But anyways, the new screens have built in SPF to keep the sun out as well. It is great for the kids but bad for trying to get a tan while swimming with your kids.

Some of my more adventurous friends will go to the beach by themselves with two kids. That will not  be me until my youngest is at least 3 yrs. old. Way to stressful and way too much to carry.

 I do feel strong enough to venture out with both kids to the zoo, spray parks and regular parks. But there is no laying out. It’s more like running around in the sun while you try to catch some balanced rays on your body. But most likely, one side will get it and the other won’t or the top side will get it and not the bottom side. There is no tanning oil and reading materials while I sip on a tasty cold drink and maybe catch a few zzz’s. Oh no, It is all about sun screen, juice boxes, snacks, swim diapers, water shoes, and potty trips.

And forget about the cute bikinis. They might fall off or show my c-section scar so I guess its either a one piece swimming suit or tank tops and shorts. You know what that means, tan lines and a white stomach. Remember in college when the popular bumper sticker was, ‘Happiness is no tan lines’. What do they know anyways?

I will settle for tan lines if that means I have a tan! Maybe this year that will happen and then again, maybe not. Maybe I will have to wait until my kids are old enough to play in the water by themselves with no real threat or danger.

But for now, gone are the days of laying out.

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